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The United States Government: the robot or to replace the low-end jobs employee
Article Source:China daily Update Time:2016-7-13

align="left"> According to England "daily post" reported that the U.S. government's council of economic advisers (CEA) claims that the future position of low pay has a 83% chance to be accounted for on artificial intelligence.


A new report shows that in the next few years, people pay less than $20 per hour will lose their jobs, and their work will be done by robots. Pay more than $20 per hour workers were replacing the probability is 31%, the per hour earn $40 people just under 4% of the risk of unemployment.


In order to get the data, published in 2016, the White House council of economic advisers, reference to the economic report in 2013, researchers at the university of Oxford, the study of professional automation as a result, namely 702 different career is the trend of the automation.


Different professional match the range of salary, and the probability of staff be replaced by robots also decided by the salary.

The report pointed out: "the average professional automation probability according to the hourly pay is divided into three classes: low per hour: $20 and $20 to 40 and above $40."

Economic commission chairman Jason vreeman (Jason Furman) said: "your work will be a robot, largely depends on how much you pay."

Vreeman also pointed out that in the United States President Obama, threats to the field of low pay job among the robots, also well explains the education investment, ensure that humans have the ability to make up for the inadequacy of automation is very important.


Although robots will occupy base salary speculation only for workers in the field of professional caused the initial threat, but these gadgets in nearly 20 years of important position in the process of social development is undeniable.

", according to new research from 1993 to 2007, robot technology has made the country's average annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth of 0.37%, accounting for about 0.1% of the total growth during this period." Vreeman said, "at the same time, the robot technology also makes labor productivity growth of 0.36%, accounting for about 16% of the total growth during this period."


Although the United States in the past for robots and the potential for a lot of research of the productivity, but it is still not clear how the robot will affect on-the-job personnel.

One view is that robots will take a citizen of the United States a lot of jobs, "so that the unemployed people or all day with nothing to do, or debt".

But most economists believe that the future is unlikely to appear this kind of circumstance, because even if the robots on the low wage jobs, people will be packed into the skills we need to have more complex and more active thinking ability competence of high-paying professions, and this is the robot cannot be achieved.

According to the international union of robot (theInternational Federation of Robotics), the global number of robots has doubled from 2010 to 2010, has amounted to 229000 units.

The 2012 report shows that in the United States, on average every ten thousand people, equipped with 135 sets of robot, lags far behind Japan and Germany, but ahead of China.


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